Summary: Edward has devoted himself to improving the lives of at-risk youth, but his Home for Hope can’t keep them off the streets at night. Enter Emmett McCarty, the man who can single-handedly fund his dreams. They say to never mix business with pleasure, but maybe it’ll be okay just this once.
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Filed under: 3rd Person POV, 50K - 100K, Abuse, All Human, Angst, Bullying, Complete, Completed ~ 2014, Drama, EdwardxEmmett, Family, Friendship, Gotta Love Emmett, HEA, Hurt/Comfort, Multi-Chapter, Non-Canon, Rated-M, Romance, Secret Relationship, Slash, Smut/Lemons, Sweetward, Therapist/Counselorward, Top Ten Completed Fics - Apr 2014, TwiFanfictionRecs Banner, Unresolved Sexual Tension (UST) Tagged: Fanfiction, Rec, shellshock81, Twilight